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Toyota Premio FL 2015 Pearl Color

Toyota Premio FL 2015 Pearl Color
BDT 2740000
Price Type
Toyota Premio
Product Type
Short Intro
Toyota Premio FL 2015 Pearl Color

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Smart key, automatic transmission, 1NZ-FE engine type, air-condition, power steering, power window, SRS / air bag, anti breaking system, fog lamp, TV navigation, audio steering, winker mirror, nickel handle, wooden steering, wooden panel, beige seat.

Car Type: Standard
Model: Premio FL
Model Year: 2015
Condition: Reconditioned
Body Style: Sedan
Body Color: Pearl
Interior Color: Beige
Seat: 5 Seats
Transmission: Automatic
Fuel System: Gasoline / Octane / Petrol
Engine Capacity: 1500cc
Camera: Back Camera

Vehicle >> Car >> Toyota Premio FL 2015 Pearl Color.


times. Last update: 23/10/2024.

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